Saturday, November 27, 2010

Harold the JEWellery buyer wants to steal Canadian people's wealth!!!!

This video sickens me:

In the few years I have lived in Canada and in the GTA, I have seen this commercial many times. Mockery of this ad and telling the truths about this one and "others" that is what led to my ban on Motley Fool. They cannot handle the truth at gold = $980 and they cannot handle the truth at gold = $1350. There are these scum bags to steal the wealth of everyone. It is never time to sell your gold when these individuals are on TV asking for it!

Look at these people! Hurray! I just sold my last remnants of wealth to buy a TV. It will be worthless in 3 years!!! :D

They need an infidel to say he sold his jewellery to buy GM stock and he has an excited smile on his face to make this ad complete. Or 30 year US government bonds! What terrific investments those will be over gold!!! "I love my new GM Stock!!!"

Harold is so cheap that he uses his big-nose mother at 0:20 to explain how easy it is for him to rape the Canadian population of their wealth. Instead to hire another actor!

My original Motley Fool CAPS post is posted at this location by some infidel who likes to copy the works of others and provide his own worthless commentary on them.

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